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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Library Learning Patch-Session 3

These children never cease to amaze me. They remember everything! It is so fun to see the world through a child's eyes! We first updated our calendars (or rather, they helped me update mine). This week we concentrated on learning the parts of plants and their function. Each child was given coloring pages of vegetables to take home. We served a snack featuring each of the parts--carrots for roots, celery for stems, lettuce for leaves, broccoli for flowers, apples for fruit, and sunflower seeds for seeds.

Our book selections this week were The Gardener and Plantzilla. I believe Plantzilla was the hands down favorite book so far.

The pages are filled with wonderful characters--and the children had fun pointing out all the different things in the plant.

We also read from a non-fiction book to learn more about sunflowers. Then it was time for the hands-on activity--plant necklaces. I passed out film containers with holes punched in them. We went outside to the garden site and let the children explore the pile of soil. They definitely liked that!

By next week our garden plot should be ready to plant. Let's hope the weather cooperates!

The children filled their film halfway with soil, I sprinkled rye seed in them, they covered the seed with more soil and we watered them. The goal is to let rye grass come up through the holes and wear it as a necklace. We discussed the fact that the plant will provide oxygen. Stay tuned for planting day!

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