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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Library Learning Patch-Session 4 - In the Garden!

What a fun and busy day!!   The library has a wonderful book called Square Foot Gardening. That method seemed perfect for us!  The children arrived eager to begin. One of the boys had just broken his arm and came immediately from the doctor after getting a cast. It didn't slow him down one bit! As usual, I was impressed by the enthusiasm of the children. And the cooperation among them.


Our first order of the day was to review the plot plan I had made.  The children will take a plan home and place their stickers of the vegetables  in the appropriate places.

The group measured and set stakes. Then the children wrapped string around the stakes, creating "fenced" 2 ft. square plots.

Transplanting seedlings
We discussed the importance of conserving water and are using the bucket-cup method of watering.
The favorite part, I believe, was when the children released earthworms into the garden. They loved that! We discussed how earthworms benefit the garden.

Now we're just waiting for warmer weather so we can set out more plants!  Stay tuned. As usual, any suggestions are welcomed! Please feel free to comment!!

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