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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Library Learning Patch-Session 2

What a fun group of children! And smart!! I read a magazine article to them about a real woman who, similar to Miss Rumphius, made her city more beautiful with flowers. We then read a neat book about seeds. It showed photos of stages leading to the plant. We also read  about sunflowers. The children had all kept their calendars up to date and helped me update mine! Our project for the day was to make  seedling pots with  recycled newspaper. I had torn the newspaper in strips and soaked them in water overnight. The group formed their pots by using plastic cups. We couldn't go outside due to a thunderstorm, but we looked out the window at our new soil for the garden and became excited. The next stop was the table by the window where we are keeping our seedlings. They took turns watering them. I sent them home with sunflower seeds, basil seeds and marigold seeds for them to plant once their pots were dry.  They all had the instructions down pat by the time they left. I'll be eager to hear all about it this week.

Stay tuned!

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