Welcome To My Blog!

Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blackberries---A Gift From Nature

How lucky I am to be living in the country--every day is a new adventure!

Blackberry Vines
While I was out walking Rufus yesterday, I came upon a cluster of blackberry vines. The birds had eaten most of them, but I found enough for a couple of handfuls. Delicious! They are so much sweeter than any I have bought at the grocery store. What a treat!! And I didn't have to plant, water, etc.

Just a Taste!

As I have always been warned to watch out for snakes near blackberry vines, I was on full alert! But I wonder why snakes are there--do they eat blackberries, or are they lying in wait for the birds that do eat them? Does anyone know??? The next time I check the vines, I will definitely wear my boots and take my long walking stick!!

Stay tuned--I also have dewberry vines -- so far the birds are getting to them before I can, but maybe I'll get lucky.

Library Learning Patch-Progress Report

Our library director, Lisa,  was kind enough to take these photographs of our vegetables. As you can see, we have a nice crop growing!

We are looking forward to the next harvest-won't be long.

Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bucket List Item--Vegetables From My Garden

One more item checked off--I have eaten vegetables grown in my garden here at Salsipuedes. I had earlier harvested lettuce and had nice salads. Now I have begun to pick sugar snap peas, tomatoes and squash. When my first baby squash had blossom end rot, I was a little discouraged, but this next group looks fine. I picked the first one early, though, so I would be sure it would be edible. Small, but delicious. My peas are making a bumper crop. The tomatoes are slowly coming on. My appreciation for real farmers has definitely increased!


Soon my peppers will be ready also. The bush beans are just now growing. A zucchini  is almost large enough to pick. This is such fun!! My little children's garden at the library is doing even better. Check it out.

Stay tuned!

A Pileated Woodpecker at Salsipuedes

What a wonderful day! I finally saw a pileated woodpecker--on a tree just to the side of my house. Funny, I have hoped for several years to see one. I had been hearing this loud bird call almost every day since I've been living here at Salsipuedes. Well, the other day one of my fellow Texas Master Naturalists came over for a visit. We were sitting on the front porch and she told me the call we heard was that very woodpecker. We caught just a glimpse of it as it flew away.Today when I heard the call, I crept out to the edge of the trees, and lo and behold, he (or she) was on a nearby tree. I was so excited I forgot to look closely to see if it was male or female. But I have high hopes that I will see it again very soon!! I will be on the lookout. Just for your information, I'm posting two photos (not of the one here, but ones I found on the web). I'm hoping some day to take a photograph of the one living here.  Meanwhile, I'm on the lookout for its nesting cavity.



They are very large--you will never forget them!

Stay tuned for more "critter" photos!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Library Learning Patch-Scarecrow day

Last week (sorry I'm late with my post) we met inside and began reading a fascinating book from our library, One Well The Story of Water on Earth. I learned new things about water--I guess I had never really thought too much about the cycle of water. Very informative book!

Then outside for a fun project. We made a scarecrow (or rather, Mrs. Scarecrow). We used a frame I had made out of scrap wood, then stuffed her with plastic grocery bags filled with newspaper, made her face out of a water jug and added a cute straw hat. The children were pleased with the results. We're hoping it helps keep the birds away from our tomatoes. Of course, our sunflowers just beg them to come!

Scary face!

Dressing her!

Boots and hat

We love our scarecrow!

Okay, Mrs. Scarecrow, keep the birds out!

Our crops are bearing fruit--lots of tomatoes on the vines.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Two Very Different Creatures

The other day I came across this slow moving boy (or girl). Each Spring the box turtles are very busy mating and laying their eggs.

Slow but steady!

Then down by the pond I filmed a huge bullfrog as he jumped into the water.

He could be in the Olympics!

Spring is the best time for seeing  wild critters at Salsipuedes. I also saw a rather large snake and two turtles in the pond. And an armadillo waddling across the pasture. A skunk has taken up residence down by the creek--I'm hoping she doesn't decide to move in my barn! Anyone have ideas about how to discourage her??

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bluebird Update

Oh, the cutest thing! This morning I saw Papa bluebird teaching the fledglings to catch their lunch. I took this photo from my front porch of Papa and three of the fledglings perched on my fence. Wish I had a stronger zoom on my camera!
Pay attention, little ones!
I'm so lucky to be able to observe them. They are such precious little birds! I think I have new nests in my two bluebird houses. I'll check them this afternoon after it warms up a little.  We are having a cool spell again! Brrrr!  Wish me luck that there is not a snake in the one by the pond. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Beauty of One

This Spring I'm learning to appreciate the special beauty of one blossom!

Maybe this is part of my learning to finally accept being alone.  One can be nice!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Library Learning Patch-Zinnas

Today we had a catch-up day. Three of our group could not come because of car trouble, so the group decided to wait until next week to make our scarecrow. Today we read about the history of scarecrows.

Garden before harvesting last week
We  planted zinnas  and discussed watering techniques-it is better to water low and not splash the plants in order to prevent mildew.

Our radishes did make after all. This photo is from our harvest last week

Stay tuned for our great "lady scarecrow" --weather permitting, we will make her next week!

Library Learning Patch-Dicots and Monocots

Have I mentioned that our library has a great children's section? It is a nice environment in which children can sit, relax and read!   And to have classes.

History tells us that Columbus brought cucumbers to America
We also  learned that flowering plants are divided into two classifications--dicots and monocots. We learned that you can identify them by both the leaf and root system. The group did leaf rubbings and looked at plants.

This is more difficult than it looks!

Hot and dirty work!

Finally-the reward--harvesting lettuce, radishes and onions! A nice salad for tonight.