I had a return visit from my number 2 grandson last week--just in the nick of time! The heat was really getting to me and it was getting more difficult every day to get my outside work done. But help arrived!! My 12 year old (soon to be 13) grandson stayed for a week and did all the heavy work for me. And taught me something besides! I kept watching him while he was working--he made it seem so much fun! What was his secret? Finally it dawned on me--he was totally living in the moment--while I am always thinking ahead to what I need to do next, he was "enjoying the moment."
He was up early every morning to feed the horses, give them fresh water and clean two paddocks. Of course it helped that Rufus jumped on the bed and licked him "good morning".
Breakfast! |
Fresh, cool water |
He has a way with animals. He was able to make friends with my cats--they don't come to anyone but me. Of course Moe was his best buddy, waiting patiently by the fence for him to put on his halter so he could get a little green grass in the yard. Unlike Bochica, who walked off from me every time he saw me with the halter.
I'm ready! |
Very little grass left |
Best friends! |
Even Bochica made friends with him
You taste good! |
Bochica stood politely and lifted his feet (without a halter) for him to check his feet for sweetgum balls.
Of course both horses are "treat hounds".
Treats? |
When I asked him to spread bird seed, he even made that fun. I think I'll try this next time!
What goes up must come down! |
We also did fun stuff--movies, museum, baking cookies, etc. It's always more fun with a grandchild. He went home on Sunday, and it sure is quiet here now! Number 2 grandson, thanks for a wonderful week! Hope you don't grow up too quickly!
Hurrah for grandchildren--I always laugh a lot and enjoy life more when they are around! Who knows, maybe I'll learn yet how to "enjoy the moment".
Grandchildren just have a way of making us see things in a new way, don't they? Great pictures. I especially like the one of the horses going for treats.
He is growing up, isn't he? Sure wish it wasn't so far between visits. Glad he was a great help. I guess they start school fairly soon, don't they?
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