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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

Sizzling at Salsipuedes

Swelter-be uncomfortably hot, to suffer from oppressive heat
Sizzle - to be very hot
Dog Days of Summer - hot sultry period of summer
Oppressive - overwhelming or depressing to the spirit or senses

All of these words describe summer at Salsipuedes, and most of Texas, this year. More days at 100+ than I care to remember. Whew! I'm just so grateful I'm not a farmer, rancher or someone who has to be outside all day. At least I can come in to get cool. Meanwhile, I'm getting out early in the morning to get my chores done. The animals all have their various ways of coping.

Lucky begins the day trying to catch the breeze:

I think I may be a little cooler up here

George lays in the cool soil under the peppers:

Mama Cat has found her place in the barn near the hay--stays there all day!

Yes, it is cool in here!
The boys later move to the carport, where they stay until evening.

We're too sleepy to move!

I've scattered hay under the trees for the horses--they stay in the pasture most of the day.

It's definitely cooler under the trees!
They do come to the barn frequently for water-I've put out extra for them and fill it twice a day.

Three sources of water--all in shade
My trees are looking very stressed, especially the pines. I have lost two pines -WE NEED RAIN!

One of my beautiful Virginia pines
My huge red oak may be dying also.

The creek is completely dry
Sure looks different when it is dry!
The pond looks deceptively cool.
Upon a closer look, you can see how far down it is.
It's usually higher than  the grass on the right
The pond is a lifesaver for the birds and other wildlife here at Salsipuedes. I sat down there for a few minutes after lunch, partially hidden by some brush. I snapped photos of this Northern Flicker drinking.

Just landed
He walked up and down that branch, then went to a branch closer to the water.
Water looks inviting!
Then, down for a drink.

I saw several interesting animal tracks in the mud at the edge. Tomorrow morning I plan to go to the pond early (without Rufus) and sit quietly. Today I saw several different birds--I hope to see the pileated woodpecker again and maybe a painted bunting. Wish me luck!

Every afternoon late the clouds build and a breeze picks up. I hope for rain, but alas, none so far. Maybe today! Meanwhile, we'll carry on here at Salsipuedes and pray for the others stricken by the drought.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I totally agree with you! I am sick and tired of this heat!! I enjoyed listening in on the thoughts of all your animals. :)