Welcome To My Blog!

Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Overcoming Fear--a Helicopter Ride

There is one item that was not on my bucket list, but maybe should have been. I have always wondered what it would be like to ride in a helicopter and wished for one to see the land surrounding Salsipuedes. However, there was a major obstacle--I do not like heights. I don't even like flying in large airplanes!

Recently, I was afforded the opportunity to ride in a helicopter-the granddaughter of the special man in my life drew the winning ticket for a ride and gave it to me. I couldn't believe it myself when I grabbed it!! While walking out to the helicopter my heart was beating about a million miles an hour. I think the pilot could tell how nervous I was and was very reassuring.  I was determined to overcome this one fear at least. And surprise--as soon as we lifted off, I felt perfectly comfortable. What great fun!! The pilot gave us a very smooth ride--it was way cool to see everything from the air.

Can't believe I'm doing this!

The only drawback is that now I'm dying to take a ride around my place--but unfortunately no helicopter is waiting here to pick me up!

This experience has led me to think of other things that I have been afraid to try--who knows what I may do next??

You never know what the future holds--stay tuned!

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