Welcome To My Blog!

Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Saying Goodbye--Testing Me

When  I first purchased Bochica, I talked to a woman who had taken up Paso Fino horse ownership at age 50. (I was 59 when I bought Bochica). She gave me a good piece of advice--"Start as you mean to go." She also said he would probably test me after a couple of weeks. Well, she was absolutely correct.

Bochica  had beautiful ground manners-very sensitive as far as moving from my touch, etc. Well, one day I was cleaning his feet, and he absolutely refused to lift his back left leg. I tried everything--squeezing his chestnut, leaning on his leg, pushing, tapping his foot with the hoof pick--nothing worked. Keep in mind that I was a new owner, really wasn't sure that I knew enough about horses to know what to do, etc. Finally, I looked him in the eye and spoke to him in Spanish, telling him I didn't like that at all and I wanted him to mind. Lo and behold, he lifted his leg like a gentlemen and I haven't had any trouble since! :) Now I just lean down , say "Lavante tu pata" (it may not be absolutely correct Spanish, but it works), and he lifts his feet for me. He also liked for me to speak Spanish to him when I was riding. Who knew?? I had bought a bi-lingual horse!
Stay tuned for the story of Bochica, the snake and me!

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