Welcome To My Blog!

Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Monday, March 15, 2010


When I began thinking of getting another dog (it had been about 2 years since my last beloved dog died), I decided I wanted a small dog, a female, and one that didn't shed. Instead, I have Rufus, who is growing like a weed and sheds copious amounts of hair even though I brush him often. Rufus  seems a funny name for a dog-I'm not sure if I had ever even heard the name Rufus, but when I adopted this puppy from the local shelter, the name just seemed to come to me and fit him perfectly.I first fell in love with Rufus at the vet's office. I then visited him  at the shelter, and even though the woman who runs the shelter suggested I get an older dog, I  just could not resist him.  (I obviously forgot how puppies can be.) When I brought Rufus home, he was terrified of everything in the house and everyone except me. Having Rufus has definitely been a great and funny adventure! The first night I had him, I settled down with him on the sofa and turned on the TV. He bolted over the back of the sofa and would have run for his life, except that he was afraid to go into another room without me. He finally came back to sit with me, and after a while, was glued to the TV. Now he loves it--every night he whines for me to sit on the sofa and watch it with him. Then he goes to sleep. Yikes--he has turned me, a dedicated non-TV person into a couch potato for a few hours every night!!

Stay tuned for the story of  Rufus and the ice chips!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Rufus is adorable! I'm happy to have met him in person.