Bucket List Update

Time to Update!!
To learn Portuguese (no progress)Pass on my love of the land to my grandchildren (in progress) Vacation in Charleston, S.C. (Still hopeful)
Visit the redwood forest (Still hopeful)
Make a good friend that I can talk to about anything (Still hopeful - last attempt failed)
Sew a hand pieced quilt for my granddaughter (soon to be begun) (Maybe this year)
Learn to do pen and ink drawings(No progress)
Learn all about cows (any ideas how I can do this???)(No progress)
Finally learn to meditate (know of any classes, anyone?) (Have begun)
Organize my house! (It is organized - now that it is for sale) :( )
Visit Lost Maples State Park in the autumn (maybe next year)
Learn to do watercolor(No progress)
Learn about dragonflies(Maybe next summer)
Find my talent (Wish me luck)(Maybe my talent is appreciating others' talent)
To see a bald eagle (have been looking, but no success so far)
Make jewelry (am in the process of learning--post to follow)
Learn to "live in the moment" (That would be a major accomplishment for me!)
And still that mystery one!
Stay tuned!!

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