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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blackberries---A Gift From Nature

How lucky I am to be living in the country--every day is a new adventure!

Blackberry Vines
While I was out walking Rufus yesterday, I came upon a cluster of blackberry vines. The birds had eaten most of them, but I found enough for a couple of handfuls. Delicious! They are so much sweeter than any I have bought at the grocery store. What a treat!! And I didn't have to plant, water, etc.

Just a Taste!

As I have always been warned to watch out for snakes near blackberry vines, I was on full alert! But I wonder why snakes are there--do they eat blackberries, or are they lying in wait for the birds that do eat them? Does anyone know??? The next time I check the vines, I will definitely wear my boots and take my long walking stick!!

Stay tuned--I also have dewberry vines -- so far the birds are getting to them before I can, but maybe I'll get lucky.

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