Welcome To My Blog!

Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Additions to Bucket List

I've added two more items to my bucket list and have partially checked one off. I have harvested lettuce from my garden! Delicious. The two items I've added are:

Learn to do watercolor
Learn about dragonflies

So my entire list now is:

To learn Portuguese
Train Bochica to be less afraid (more or less)
To have a Paso Fino professional evaluate Bochica and me (too late)(
Pass on my love of the land to my grandchildren (in progress)
Become proficient in using  Photoshop Elements
Write a book
Learn more about web design
Go to Chile one more time and ride a Criollo horse through a vineyard
Vacation in  Charleston, S.C.
Visit the redwood forest
Make a good friend that I can talk to about anything
Sew a hand pieced quilt for my granddaughter
Teach my youngest grandchildren how to fish
Learn to do pen and ink drawings
Learn all about cows (any ideas how I can do this???)
Finally learn to meditate (know of any classes, anyone?) (in process)
Organize my house! (in process)
Visit Lost Maples State Park in the autumn 
Eat home grown vegetables from my garden (accomplished)

Learn to do watercolor
Learn about dragonflies

A book from our local library, When Wanderer's Cease to Roam: a traveler's journal of staying put, has inspired me to learn to do watercolor. It is, I believe, the prettiest book I've seen. The soft watercolors on each page just call out to me. I plan to check it out soon and then on some rainy afternoon, make a cup of tea and just sit for a while and look at the beautiful watercolors in it. I plan to purchase it sometime and place it on my coffee table,  together with the one, What the World Eats.

I am signed up for a one day class through my Texas Master Naturalist chapter to learn to draw plants. That is the first step to learn about watercolors - I need to draw better first! :)

I learned a little about dragonflies last year at a meeting of my chapter of Texas Master Naturalist. They are in abundance at my pond and even come up to the front porch and fly around. My granddaughter said they look like helicopters and was fascinated by them.  Have you ever noticed that children tend to make the world more interesting?

I'll share some of the things I learn. Stay tuned!

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