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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Library Learning Patch-Planting Day

Whew! This week's session was very busy (and tiring). I had decided that we needed to add compost to our soil, so that was the first order of the day. The children shoveled the compost from bags in the back of my truck and carried it to the garden plots. 

The bucket brigade!

Then they worked it into the soil in the squares they had staked off.

Hard work!

Now the fun part--planting! The children had brought their sunflowers, basil and marigolds that  they had grown from seed.

I was impressed by their plants. They did better than mine!

Then we planted tomatoes, bell peppers, beans, squash, marigolds, and basil. We replanted carrots and lettuce (our seedlings didn't survive).  :(  Everyone liked the blue squash seeds.

Then of course their favorite part--watering. What is it about children and water? Fun!

Our new watering can works great.

Now I'm crossing my fingers that everything lives and the seeds sprout. This is definitely a learning experience.  Notice the wrapping around the tomato plants. That is a suggestion from our county extension agent. He says it protects the young plants from the wind and cool nights. We used kitchen plastic wrap.

Now we await the harvest!

By now everyone was hot, tired, and thirsty. Thank you moms for your help! Now hopefully we just weed, water, and wait. Stay tuned.

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