It seems to me that everything looks better in the country, especially snow. The land looks fresh and clean.
As soon as I awoke this morning I looked out the bedroom window to see if it was snowing. It wasn't, so I let Rufus out, made the coffee, let Rufus back in and settled down at the computer with my coffee to check the weather. Before I could pull it up, the snow had arrived. By the time I gulped the coffee, dressed (bringing my long johns out once again) and headed out to the barn, it was coming down so thick I felt as if I were in a blizzard-- huge flakes swirling in the stiff wind- it had completely coated the seat of the golf cart under the carport in just those few minutes! The hungry cats were walking down the drive to meet me halfway (they obviously don't know that cats do not like to get wet) and escort me to the barn. Bochica and Moe were patiently waiting for their breakfast under the barn overhang . By the time I poured the cat's food and grained the horses, the ground was covered. I gave the horses hay, filled the water trough and headed back to the house to settle in with a second cup of coffee and watch the snow. It's fascinating--first everything was covered, then it began melting. It is alternating between fine flakes and large cottony ones. They seem to float and swirl in the wind, much like bubbles on a summer day. I was hoping for it to stick and transform my place to a winter wonderland as it did a couple of weeks ago (the bottom picture). Watching the flakes float about seems to bring a peaceful feeling on this cold winter day. The trees have a sliver of snow on the branches reminding me of paintings .Soon I'll bundle up and turn the horses out to the big pasture, so they can walk out to the far corner and tell the mares down the road "good morning."
What a gift to live in the country!
1 comment:
The snow was delightful! How nice to enjoy it falling and not have to contend with an accumulation.
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