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Adventures--how do you define one? My life has been full of adventures of all kinds-some exciting, some stressful, some funny, some exhilarating--this blog will share some of them with you.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Our County Fair

My First Blue Ribbons!!

I'm finally finding time to post again. Soon I'll update you on my summer. It was all too short!

Fall is definitely in the air. I can always feel the slight shift in the sun's rays--I can't wait for the leaves to turn!

Meanwhile, I'll share one of my favorite things--our county fair. Ours is one of the few counties in Texas that hosts a free fair. This year I decided to enter some things in the produce division. Most of my crops were long gone, but I did have an excellent crop of Malabar Spinach. I entered it, as well as my Italian Flat Leaf Parsley (which was past its prime). Can you believe it--I won two blue ribbons for my spinach--one in the flower category for its blooms and the other in the greens category. Wow!! Now I'm really enthused for next year. Think I'll get busy on a quilt!!!

Malabar spinach blooms

This is the first time in many years that I've been to the fair at night.  The special man in my life made it a lot of fun!! We toured the exhibits,visited with people, had burgers and fries, and listened to music. Memories of my childhood came floating back--I felt like a kid again. Thanks!!!

We watched goats being shown and toured the animal area.

I want a goat!

I'm glad to know that 4-H is going strong in Red River County. I don't know much about this organization, but am intrigued--another project--to find out exactly how it works.

These rabbits look like toys!

Aren't they cute?

I also entered a cucumber from our children's garden at the library. We won 2nd place. Hurrah!! I can't wait to tell the kiddos.


The night lights brought back childhood memories.

Lights from the carnival

I can't wait until next year--guess I'd better get busy on my entries. 

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